Jiri Bim

Job Title
Head of Agrivoltaic Section
Czech Solar Association
Czech Republic

Jiri Bim is a consultant for several Czech companies that are developing PV and Agri-PV project pipelines in
Czechia. He deals with aspects of permitting and zoning as well as grid connection and other technical
aspects. He has hands-on experience developing ground-mounted PV projects. He is also PhD. student and
researcher at FEE CTU in Prague and his main topic are Economic aspects of renewable energy sources.
He has focused on agrivoltaics and is also active in establishing legislation for agrivoltaics in CZ and Central
Europe. From January 2022 he is a Head of the agrivoltaics section in the Czech Solar Association. Now he
focuses mainly on regulation implementation and development large scale photovoltaics and agrivoltaics
installations in the Czech Republic.

June 18, 2024Why Eastern & Central Europe Governments Implement Supportive Policy Frameworks for Agri-PV Targets

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